Why pyjamas aren’t just for bedtime

pyjamas aren't just for bedtime

Although we now think of pyjamas as nightwear, did you know that they were originally the ultimate daytime loungewear? The word ‘pyjamas’ comes from the Indian ‘piejamah’, which refers to loose trousers tied at the waist. They were far and away the most comfortable thing to nap in during the day in a hot climate – and soon, impressed 19thcentury British colonials were taking the idea back to Britain.

A little bit more history…  

At the turn of the 20thcentury and into the 1930s, many designers brought out silk ‘lounge’ or ‘house’ pyjamas, designed to be chic and smart enough for entertaining casually at home while still being comfortable. 

We’re not sure when pyjamas returned to being solely nightwear again, but we think it’s a shame!

The National Library of Medicine

While we’re not advocating living in your PJs 24/7, keeping them on sometimes during the day can give a great sense of luxury as well as being extremely comfortable. Research published in the National Library of Medicine in 2000 discovered that wearing clothing that was too tight or binding could actually inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone which helps control the sleep cycle, so it’s important that you choose pyjamas to wear around the house which are loose fitting and cool.

Children benefit too

Children, too, will appreciate the chance to stay in their PJs during the day from time to time. Pyjamas tend to be super-comfortable and from a practical point of view are usually easy-care as well. Pyjamas are designed to protect children from illnesses and poor hygiene so allowing them to stay in their PJs for the day will be beneficial long-term. 

pyjamas aren't just for bedtime

Choose the right pair

If you’re going to be spending extra time in your pyjamas, then it’s well worth tracking down the right pair. Look for natural cotton, which is cool and easy to look after as well as crisp and smart. Aim for a loose, but not baggy, fit and choose a pretty style that you’ll be happy to wear. 


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